6 Lessons to Pursue Happiness
A few articles have caught my attention during our Spring Break get-a-way. And it's been gratifying soaking in nature and culture these past few days. Today I want to focus on a few articles in my reading list that can reconnect you to life and the pursuit to happiness. It's easy to blame the economy, the man in your life or the politicians for your woes but the problem with this mindset is that there's no resolution. The truth is that your life is a factor of your choices. Once, you own this, you can create positive change. Click the titles to read the articles and share your comments.
1. The Power of Rituals
An article about femininity and beauty with enlightening excerpts from successful women of the beauty industry analyzing how beauty rituals are a woman's life force.
2. How To Clean Up Your Finances
The advice Whitney Morrison outlines in this read on how the things you value can dictate your buying and saving habits plus tips on cleaning up your finances.
3. How to Network When You're Introverted
I think for many women just starting their own businesses or new to exercising social networking platforms it can be difficult to share yourself with others without thinking, "am I experienced enough"? Experience shouldn't measure what you have to offer so speak up, ask questions, focus on the qualities you like about yourself and be confident with where you are. This article says it all and more.
{Image Source: TheyAllHateUs}
4. Be Happier At Home
Cultivate a system that fits your lifestyle to prioritize the different duties of your life. Because when you're talking about a schedule that includes a combination of work, relationships, kids, hobbies, creative endeavours, working out, and possibly all of the above, organization is the way to go.
5. Why I Finally Broke Up With My Best Friend
At some point you wake up and realize it was all for not. You learn what genuine friendship is and you no longer want to invest time or energy in relationships that add no value to your life. It's the jealous best friend story that puts it plain! As one comment says, who needs friends like this when you have haters to pretend with!
6. How To Build A Killer Career Plan For 2016
Essential habits to success and how to continue pushing forward. Don't know where to start, well grab a pad and take notes. It's an election year and with the unexpectancies of our economic future it is smart to start mapping out your business plans.